
"“”“”Good Friday" zzz what about Good Friday!

Good Friday

Good Friday – What is it?
Good Friday is observed on the Friday that proceeds Easter Sunday (also called Resurrection Sunday). It is a day when people remember Jesus’ death on the cross. Many people, mostly Christians, celebrate this day by attending a Good Friday service where they read the biblical accounts of Jesus’ death on the cross. (Read Luke 19.)
Good Friday – What Happened on Good Friday?
Although the term “Good Friday” is not mentioned in the Bible, we can study the events that took place on the day Jesus was crucified. After Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was taken through several trials before the chief priests, Pontius Pilate, and Herod (Luke 22:54–23:25). Three of the trials were by Jewish leaders and three by the Romans (John 18:12-14Mark 14:53-65Mark 15:1-5Luke 23:6-12Mark 15:6-15). These events led up to Good Friday.

Pilate tried to compromise with the religious leaders by having Jesus beaten, but this act didn't satisfy them, so Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified (Mark 15:6-15). Jesus was mocked by the soldiers as they dressed Him in a purple robe and a crown of thorns (John 19:1-3). The sentence was written “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Jesus, assisted by Simon of Cyrene, was then forced to carry His cross to the place of His death. It was at Golgotha that Jesus was crucified along with two criminals (John 19:17-22).

Later in the day, the Bible tells us that Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for Jesus’ body and was granted permission. Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb. He then rolled a big stone in front of the entrance.
Good Friday – Was it Friday?
The Bible does not tell us exactly the day of the week Jesus was crucified. Most scholars believe it was either Friday or Wednesday. There are others who compromise and say it was a Thursday.1 In Matthew 12:40, Jesus said, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
  • Friday – We know that Jesus was in the grave for three days. If Jesus was crucified on a Friday, how can there be three days before Sunday? Proponents of a Friday crucifixion say that in a Jewish mindset, a part of a day was still considered to be a full day. So, if Jesus was in the grave for part of Friday, all day Saturday, and then part of Sunday, that would be considered three days. Mark 15:42-43 says that Jesus was crucified on the day before the Sabbath. If the Sabbath mentioned was the weekly Sabbath, then that lends toward a Friday crucifixion.
  • Thursday – Proponents of a Thursday crucifixion think there are too many events occurring for a Friday crucifixion to be possible. By adding an extra day, this alleviates the problem.
  • Wednesday – This view is based on there being two Sabbaths that week. The first is the one at the end of the crucifixion (Mark 15:42), which would have been the Passover. Then the second Sabbath was the weekly Sabbath. The women would have waited until after the Thursday Sabbath to purchase their spices on Friday, then rested on Saturday (Sabbath), and brought their spices to the tomb on Sunday morning. This takes a literal interpretation of the three days and three nights mentioned in Matthew 12:40.
No matter what day Jesus was crucified, we know that He died and rose from the grave! Since the day is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, we can assume that it is not all that important.
Good Friday – Why is it “Good”?
Is good Friday really “good”? It may seem odd that people celebrate the day Jesus’ was crucified as “good.” Obviously, the suffering Jesus went through on Good Friday was not good. He was whipped, beaten, mocked, and killed in a very violent way. How can that be good?

The results of Jesus’ death are very good! This is explained in Romans 5:8: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Then in 1 Peter 3:18, it is reiterated again: “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.”

Do you see Good Friday as a “good” day? Has Jesus washed away your sins and forgiven you? Will you spend eternity with Him?
Learn More!
1 For more detailed information on these three options, visit: www.gotquestions.org/three-days.html.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, today I am deciding to follow Jesus

Yes, I am already a follower of Jesus

I still have questions




看到身边的痛苦的小孩子以及焦虑的父母 生病  不听话,面对不厌烦的父母! 我想失败的父母莫过于如此,不耐心的教育和带孩子 唠叨和烦躁的父母,小孩子,我该拿什么拯救你呢?   我也想到了我的童年,那时拿什么拯救你,我! 我甚至萌生了不想要孩子的想法。 觉得以后这样的折磨孩子,折磨自己 是为了啥???   现在我依然是个小孩子,在外流浪的孩子,我又该拿什么拯救我呢?   当一个人没有事情可以做的时候,她会是有些神经病的。 会经常说一些让人头大的话!会絮絮叨叨的。因为没事情可以做,会发疯!   所以这个人也很失败,也很没意思! 是个可怜人!   我们以后不要做这样的人,所以就得有自己的东西在心里存在!   任何时候都不迷失,都不泯灭自己的心灵! !     生活,让人振奋,也让人消沉! 让人快乐,也让人痛苦! 当生活和工作上的痛苦一起袭来时,人会崩溃! 这个时候年龄的差距和代沟会更明显,没有谁能理解谁! 压力和面对的困境是谁都不能很好的表达出来的,所以唯一的就是沉默。 不能改变的沉默,就注定了悲剧!  


ASP2HTML WITH TEMPLET 我希望大家看到该标题就能让想象到它的功能: 1,WITH TEMPLET意思是,生成的页面架构将采用某个已设定的模板,在此之前我的一篇教程中介绍过,希望各位在看本教程之前对ASP采用模板应熟悉下。(当然,不看也没有问题,本教程同样会提及精华部分的:)具体参考: http://www.cnbruce.com/blog/showlog.asp?cat_id=26&log_id=474 2,ASP2HTML。不要我再说ASP转变成HTML的好处了吧,呵呵,其中最值得知道的就是:静态HTML页和动态页对 服务器 的要求承受能力小得多,同样,静态HTML搜索几率远比动态页面的多得多。 那么,我现在需要处理的技术问题就是: 1,如何实现模板技术?(先参看下上篇文章吧) 2,如何实现2HTML技术? 3,如何让模板技术与2HTML技术结合? 一、先进行技术原理分析 1,模板技术参看 www.cnbruce.com/blog/showlog.asp?cat_id=26&log_id=474 2,2HTML技术又该如何实现呢?如何使得ASP页面转变为HTML?一般都会想到FSO组件,因为该组件能新建任何文件格式。 那么其整个运行过程是怎么样的呢? a,提供信息输入页面进行信息收集; b,接受信息值先保存数据库,再FSO生成文件; c,技术性完成任务,显示刚被创建的HTML文件的路径地址。 该技术的实现过程中有如下几个难点: i,FSO生成的文件是直接放在一个大文件夹下,还是单独放在某个每日更新的子文件夹中?可能表述不准确,这样理解吧:相信通过FSO生成的文件随着时间的推移,文件会越来越多,管理也会越来越乱……通常你可能看到一些地址诸如 www.xxx.com/a/2004-5-20/200405201111.html 可以分析得出应该是建立了当前日期的文件夹。这样,一天就是一个文件夹的页面内容,查看管理也就显得比较合理。 ii,我在试图通过以上方法建立文件夹的时候,又发现了第二个问题。第一次通过FSO建立以当前日期命名的文件夹,没有问题。当我有新的文件需要生成时,因为是同一个程序,所以,其又将会执行建立同样的文件夹。此时,FSO组件会发现该路径已存在……卡壳-_-! 继续处理,在首行添加代码:  


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