

目前显示的是 四月, 2019的博文

Five years older

Five years past , I older ,and slowly,  tech cannot any update , relation is also cannot update . what happed ,and why ? I donot know .maybe all of this is Me , all result is Me 

"“”“”Good Friday" zzz what about Good Friday!

Good Friday https://www.allaboutjesuschrist.org/good-friday.htm Good Friday – What is it? Good Friday is observed on the Friday that proceeds Easter Sunday (also called Resurrection Sunday). It is a day when people remember Jesus’ death on the cross. Many people, mostly Christians, celebrate this day by attending a Good Friday service where they read the biblical accounts of Jesus’ death on the cross. (Read  Luke 19 .) Good Friday – What Happened on Good Friday? Although the term “Good Friday” is not mentioned in the Bible, we can study the events that took place on the day Jesus was crucified. After Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was taken through several trials before the chief priests, Pontius Pilate, and Herod ( Luke 22:54 –23:25). Three of the trials were by Jewish leaders and three by the Romans ( John 18:12-14 ,  Mark 14:53-65 ,  Mark 15:1-5 ,  Luke 23:6-12 ,  Mark 15:6-15 ). These events led up to Good Friday. Pilate tried to compromise with

Windows View of ThioJoe

Ctrl + Shift + Esc = Fast Task Manager CTRL+T = New tab CTRL+Shift+T = Restore old tab. (Helps a ton) WIN+X to access the "secret" start menu! Win+Tab (Win+Shift+Tab) for fancy Alt+Tab (Alt+Shift+Tab) switching. snipping tool storage Windows memory diagnostic Voice recorder Steps Recorder Sticky notes Video Editor Command Prompt C:\Users\wzhou1>prompt /? Changes the cmd.exe command prompt. PROMPT [text]   text    Specifies a new command prompt. Prompt can be made up of normal characters and the following special codes:   $A   & (Ampersand)   $B   | (pipe)   $C   ( (Left parenthesis)   $D   Current date   $E   Escape code (ASCII code 27)   $F   ) (Right parenthesis)   $G   > (greater-than sign)   $H   Backspace (erases previous character)   $L   < (less-than sign)   $N   Current drive   $P   Current drive and path   $Q   = (equal sign)   $S     (space)   $T   Current time   $V   Windows version